PLR Focus

writing plr

 What Is PLR Content?

PLR stands for Private Label Rights.   If you want to make money with PLR content then there are two ways to do it.  You can be a PLR product creator and write articles, ebooks, blog posts etc and sell them to other people for them to use as the basis for their own business or you can be the person that takes the creators original work and turns it into something else.  

To explain further if you are the PLR creator you are putting your efforts into making original content that other people will pay you for and that payment buys them the right to use your work as their own to make money themselves.  They may use it as it is if they are lazy but if they are smart they will rewrite , juggle and rearrange and use the work as a framework to make a unique product of their own.


If you are a PLR buyer then you will use PLR products to shortcut the creative process and build websites , products , social media posts, sales pages.  It is a huge time saver to have a framework to start from and to have lots of information immediately to hand that you would have had to spend days researching.

Either way PLR content is something you can use to earn money. The choice is either to be a creator of good quality PLR or be a buyer of good quality PLR.  The trick when buying PLR is to know who sells PLR content of the best quality and who is offering very mediocre products. There is plenty of badly written product on the market. Hopefully, on this website you will only come across high quality PLR product.


You should decide whether you are going to create your own high quality PLR products from scratch or you want to buy PLR articles and create businesses from other peoples content. Then you still need to decide on which niches you want to work in, what you want to build and most importantly work out how they are going to make you money.   

Don't just start and hope for the best. Map it out so you know what the goal is before you start or you will go round in circles.  Each piece of content should be a strategic step in building your PLR Business.

If you don't know where you are going you will never get there.

Make Money

With PLR

Our site is going to help you understand how PLR works.  You will be able to find resources to build your products or information about where you might find what you need to build your PLR business. Then you will be able to make money with PLR

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